Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Oh dear, failed already!

Oh dear, I don't know why I thought I could keep up with this regular blogging lark! Well I'm soooo lazy I'm going to copy & paste the first couple of paragraphs from my other blog!! OK, so maybe I need some sort of incentive/threat to get myself moving and remembering to blog...

Well luckily Abi from  Birdcage Creative had a great idea with a great name and invented Challenge 52, where she will aim to make/design/blog or otherwisely be creative every week. She has invited others to join in, so that's probably the poke with a blunt stick I need! But as I have two blogs, I might alternate some weeks if I don't manage to get things done for both of them - sounds like I'm chickening out, but hopefully I'll keep it up!
Also, I'm joining in with the daily listing club on Folksy this month, called the April Show-ers. I'm alternating between Pirate Treasures Jewellery and The Emporium of Curiosities each day, so that will make 30 listings in total.
So far I've listed these:

I have a Steampunk style ACEO to list tomorrow and I'm working on products to put an Emporium section on my jewellery website. Though I've just been commissioned to make 6 bracelets so I'll have to see when I can fit that in! 

1 comment:

  1. I like your gift tags :) I'm not managing to blog as much as I'd like either, and am not doing well in the April Show-ers as I'm not making much but hopefully that will improve soon.


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